The Village of Woodmere’s Master Plan takes a one-of-a-kind approach to strengthening residential neighborhoods and community connections, while looking at local, regional, and national trends to expand opportunities for a safe, strong, and stable community.
Village of Woodmere Master Plan
Document Sections
The Village of Woodmere Master Plan process kicked off in August 2018 and continued over the course of a year and a half. A Steering Committee comprised of residents, business owners, and other stakeholders guided the plan through this process. The plan included an analysis of current conditions, the development of a vision for the future, recommendations to achieve that vision, and implementation strategies that outline priorities and partners. The final plan was unanimously accepted by Village Council on June 9, 2021.
Presentation to the Planning & Zoning Commission
Download the presentation
Public Involvement

The planning process included numerous opportunities for public involvement to ensure that the plan reflected the concerns, ideas, and priorities of residents and business owners. Three public meetings were held throughout 2019 to allow community members the opportunity to provide input. Following each public meeting, an online survey allowed additional comment, all documents were posted online, and a summary report was provided outlining the opinions and comments from attendees and respondents.
For more information about public involvement, visit the Planning Process page.
Master Plan Structure

The Village of Woodmere Master Plan includes an introduction to the community, master plans in general, the process, and provides a brief history of the Village and its recent planning efforts. This is followed by a strong Community Vision developed through stakeholder interviews and community input, which then helped shape the strategic Recommendations to achieve that vision. The Recommendations are focused around five main topics: Housing, Branding, Marketing, Mobility, and Wellness. Each of these critical community topics are supported by targeted goals and strategies to help carry the community into tomorrow and achieve the community’s desired future. These Recommendations are then supplemented with implementation strategies, which outline potential timelines, partners, estimated costs, and priority levels, which were determined by feedback from the public, stakeholders, and Project Team and Steering Committee members. Additionally, there is also an extensive list of potential funding sources that could help get projects off the ground and support the Village’s implementation efforts.