• bird's-eye view of Madison Park and the surrounding neighborhood

    Madison Park Master Plan

    The City of Lakewood's Madison Park Master Plan is a community-driven plan that seeks to address the current and future needs of all Madison Park users in an inclusive and equitable manner.

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  • Warrensville Heights Green Road Park Expansion Plan

    The Green Road Park Expansion Plan is a community-driven guide for the enhancement of Green Road Park and the development of the new Friendly City Park at the former John Dewey Middle School.

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  • Cuyahoga County Lakefront Public Access Plan

    The Cuyahoga County Lakefront Public Access Plan aims to build a comprehensive vision for better connecting our residents to our Great Lake.

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  • Cuyahoga Greenways

    Cuyahoga Greenways

    Cuyahoga Greenways is a blueprint for linking neighborhoods, parks, Lake Erie, the Cuyahoga River, and public transit through a comprehensive countywide network of trails that are safe and welcoming for people of all ages and abilities.

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  • East Cleveland Parks & Greenspace Plan

    The City of East Cleveland’s Parks & Greenspace Plan is a community-driven plan for improving the City’s neighborhood parks, strengthening connections to parks, and leveraging parks for new development.

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  • Urban Tree Canopy Assessment Update

    The 2019 Cuyahoga County Urban Tree Canopy (UTC) Assessment is an update to a countywide study released by the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission in 2013.

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  • 2019 Cuyahoga County Climate Change Action Plan

    The Cuyahoga County Climate Action Plan is an effort to set targets for greenhouse gas emissions reductions, implement and track actions to meet set targets, and adapt to climate change across the county.

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  • two runners on the Towpath Trail

    Cuyahoga County Greenprint

    The Cuyahoga County Greenprint is an interactive suite of mapping and planning tools for preserving and enhancing the County's natural features, recreation areas, and greenways.

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  • photo of Eastside Greenway public meeting

    Eastside Greenway

    A plan for increasing pedestrian and bicycle connectivity in 20 communities in eastern Cuyahoga County

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  • Banner of fall trees

    Urban Tree Canopy Assessment

    The Cuyahoga County Urban Tree Canopy Assessment provides detailed metrics on existing and potential tree cover, useful for communities in setting tree-planting goals and target areas.

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