County Planning has completed plans, studies, and initiatives at community, county, and regional scales. Below, you can explore our portfolio of projects, which demonstrate our professional planning services.
Cleveland Heights Gateways & Wayfinding Signage Plan
The Cleveland Heights Gateways & Wayfinding Signage Plan will develop a coordinated strategy for gateways and wayfinding to help residents and visitors navigate the community.
North Olmsted Mall Area Mixed-Use Overlay District
County Planning is working with the City of North Olmsted to create a mixed-use zoning overlay for the Great Northern Mall area.
Richmond-Chardon Roads Streetscape & Business Revitalization Plan
The Richmond-Chardon Roads Streetscape & Business Revitalization Plan aims to create a safe, inviting, and engaging atmosphere within the study area in Richmond Heights.
Evolving Southgate Redevelopment Plan
The Evolving Southgate Redevelopment Plan identifies redevelopment scenarios for continued use of the Southgate Shopping Center in the City of Maple Heights.
Cleveland Heights Accessory Dwelling Unit Study
The Cleveland Heights Accessory Dwelling Unit Study detailed the costs and benefits associated with ADUs, analyzed the city's zoning code, and offered best practices for implementation.
Highland Hills Comprehensive Plan
The Highland Hills Comprehensive Plan will update the Village's community goals and objectives, serve as a framework for the Village to make informed policy decisions and will reposition the Village to better align with future opportunities.
Turney Road Transit-Oriented Development Study
The City of Garfield Heights and County Planning, in coordination with GCRTA, are conducting a study along Turney Road to evaluate the corridor’s potential and readiness for transit-oriented development.
Lorain Road Business District Revitalization Plan
The Lorain Road Business District Revitalization Plan is a land use and economic development plan for Lorain Road as it travels through Fairview Park.
East Cleveland Land Use Strategic Plan
The East Cleveland Land Use Strategic Plan identifies target areas for redevelopment and is intended as a guide for City leaders, residents, business owners, and other stakeholders for development and growth.
Madison Park Master Plan
The City of Lakewood's Madison Park Master Plan is a community-driven plan that seeks to address the current and future needs of all Madison Park users in an inclusive and equitable manner.
Warrensville Heights Green Road Park Expansion Plan
The Green Road Park Expansion Plan is a community-driven guide for the enhancement of Green Road Park and the development of the new Friendly City Park at the former John Dewey Middle School.
Euclid Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Action Plan
The Euclid Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Action Plan envisions safe, comfortable, and connected networks that support multi-modal trips and human-powered mobility options throughout the community.