A plan for increasing pedestrian and bicycle connectivity in 20 communities in eastern Cuyahoga County
The NOACA-funded TLCI (Transportation for Livable Communities) planning process resulted in specific trail alignment recommendations throughout the Study Area, suggested trailhead locations, and a phasing strategy for moving forward into design and implementation.
This presentation was made at a public meeting in July 2015 and is available for downloading (PDF).
While many communities in the Study Area have many multipurpose trails and bicycle lanes, there are significant gaps in the existing network. The Eastside Greenway Plan offers a vision for a coordinated system of greenways, and presents an opportunity to enhance the region’s transportation choices, increase recreation options, and catalyze economic development.
County Planning and LAND Studio acted as project sponsors and facilitated the planning process. The consultant team of SmithGroupJJR and Parsons Brinkerhoff engaged a large and diverse stakeholder committee that included municipalities, public agencies, and community representatives.
The resulting Eastside Greenway Plan envisions a unified trail network linking neighborhoods to employment centers, transit, and existing green spaces.
For more information, download the Eastside Greenway Plan.