The City of Broadview Heights’ Master Plan builds upon the community’s sense of pride and reinvestment by looking closely at how land use and policy decisions affect future and existing development trends.
The Broadview Heights Master Plan was unanimously adopted by Broadview Heights City Council on September 7, 2021.
The Broadview Heights Master Plan process officially kicked off in February of 2019 and continued over the course of the next 18 months. A Steering Committee comprised of residents, business owners, and other stakeholders guided the plan through this process. The plan included an analysis of current conditions, the development of a vision for the future, action steps to achieve that vision, and action prioritization.
The COVID-19 pandemic affected how and where meetings could take place towards the end of the process. A final presentation was made in-person to City Council by County Planning on May 24, 2021 and the Master Plan was officially adopted by the City on September 7, 2021.
Public Involvement

The planning process included numerous opportunities for public involvement to ensure that the plan reflected the concerns, ideas, and priorities of residents and business owners. Three public meetings were held throughout 2019 and 2020 to allow community members the opportunity to provide input. Following each public meeting, an online survey allowed additional comment, and all documents were posted online. Over the course of the plan, approximately 44 people attended in-person meetings, 259 completed online surveys, and more than 1,720 individual comments were provided.
Master Plan Structure
The Broadview Heights Master Plan included two overarching vision statements that helped define the city as residents see it today and then also how they want to see it tomorrow. Collectively, these visions helped outline the Master Plan’s five Goals:
- Develop Connections;
- Strengthen Neighborhoods;
- Enhance Community Life;
- Foster Quality Development; and
- Embrace Environmental Assets.
Each of these Goals were then supported by targeted strategies and actions to help achieve the community’s vision of the future. In addition to these more “Communitywide” efforts, the plan also outlined specific investments that could be made in four critical Planning Concept Areas within the community. These areas included the Town Center, the North End of Town, the Community Center Campus, and Royalton Road East. These Goals, Strategies, Actions, and Planning Concept Areas were then integrated into an Implementation Matrix to help organize projects based on priority levels, timelines, costs, and responsible parties and partners.