![Downtown Cleveland tree canopy](https://s3.countyplanning.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/9G4A5119_cropped2.jpg)
Frequently Asked Questions
Program Year 2024 Cuyahoga County Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Grant Program
Q: Can we do maintenance activities on trees planted with other grant sources like CDBG or the ODNR Urban Canopy Restoration Grant?
A: Yes
Q: Does a Community College District count as an eligible applicant?
A: Yes
Q: Are community engagement/meetings, compensation for stewards, or planting tool purchases eligible as grant expenses?
A: Community engagement/meetings, compensation for stewards, and planting tool/equipment purchases are allowed as match expenses only; however, they are not reimbursable with Healthy Urban Tree Canopy funds.
Q: How do I find the Tree Canopy Percent by census tract in the Greenprint Explorer?
A: Zoom in to the proposed project area with standard pan/zoom tools or enter an address, place, or parcel number. To find the census tract data and the associated Percent Tree Canopy, use the following steps.
- Select the LAND COVER AND TREE CANOPY Group and Tree Canopy Layer. The census tract boundaries will automatically load.
- Click on the map in the census tract, to get a data pop-up box with the Census Tract number and associated Urban Tree Canopy Assessment Metrics, including Existing Tree Canopy percent.
Q: Each organization can add collaborators—members of the grant team—to their Neighborly account. Can only the main contact submit an application?
A: Once someone has been added to an application, they have full applicant abilities which includes submitting the application. However, they will need to be sure that the correct signatures are captured on the submit step before the application is submitted.