Cuyahoga County Natural Resources Assistance Council
Round 12 Recommended Projects
February 2018
The Cuyahoga County Natural Resources Assistance Council (NRAC) has selected four (4) projects that it will recommend to the Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) for funding through Round 12 of the Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Program. Approximately 130 acres and over 2,941 linear feet of riparian corridors will be acquired and preserved in Cuyahoga County.
West Creek: Critical Greenway Conservation- Total Project Cost: $1,921,541
- Clean Ohio Award: $1,168,500
- Acquisition Amount: 46 Acres
This project includes acquisition of six (6) properties – totaling approximately forty-six (46) acres of land, including over 7,500 linear feet of stream, and six and a half (6½) acres of wetlands, and a significant amount of forested riparian areas and upland forests. This project is a major connector for the regional trail network and provides linkages to a number of schools: Shiloh Middle School, Hillside Elementary School, and John Muir Elementary School.
Courtesy of West Creek Conservancy - CLM12-01: CLEVELAND METROPARKS
Expanded Protection of Tinker’s Creek- Total Project Cost: $ 2,046,625
- Clean Ohio Award: $ 1,534,969
- Acquisition Amount: 22 Acres
Cleveland Metroparks will acquire ±127 acres via fee simple title from the Astorhurst Land Company, and will use the Clean Ohio Greenspace Conservation Funds to acquire and permanently preserve ±75 acres of this Property. The acquisition and preservation of this Project Area will protect approximately 4,835 linear feet of primary headwater streams in the Tinker’s Creek watershed, and will add to the protected greenspace in the watershed.
Courtesy of Cleveland Metroparks Courtesy of Cleveland Metroparks - CLE12-02: CITY OF CLEVELAND
Morgana Bluff Nature Preserve & Learning Center- Total Project Cost: $537,792
- Clean Ohio Request: $297,790
- Acquisition Amount: 4 Acres
This project includes the acquisition of conservation easements, and a fee simple purchase of portions of four (4) parcels adjacent to the Morgana Run Trail. The City of Cleveland, The Boys & Girls Clubs of Cleveland, and Slavic Village Development have partnered with local schools to develop a plan to restore this overgrown four (4) acre site to a productive ecosystem. The project will provide both an outdoor learning lab for the children of the Slavic Village neighborhood and a natural greenspace for everyone to enjoy.
Courtesy of the City of Cleveland - GLW12-01: VILLAGE OF GLENWILLOW
Tinker’s Creek Preserve II- Total Project Cost: $511,477
- Clean Ohio Request: $383,608
- Acquisition Amount: 35 Acres
This project consists of acquiring four separate parcels and a conservation easement on a portion of a fifth parcel in the Village of Glenwillow. The thirty-five (35) acre project area includes approximately 2,998 feet of stream frontage along Tinker’s Creek. The project area is adjacent to other permanently protected lands, and is located within a designated greenspace corridor. The Village will restore the floodplain riparian zone, and plant native species that will establish a more biodiverse natural area.
Courtesy of the Village of Glenwillow Courtesy of the Village of Glenwillow