County Planning Provided Support for the RNC
Since 2002, County Planning has provided mapping and data support to the County Office of Emergency Management. This summer, the collaboration continued as County Planning staff supported the County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during the Republican National Convention.
Prior to the RNC event, County Planning staff worked to integrate map data into the County’s KnowledgeCenter Incident Management System software. The map data consisted of several dozen “layers”, including special event locations, critical infrastructure, medical resources, and special populations. County Planning also provided GIS staffing for the EOC for each day of the Sunday through Thursday activation period.
More generally, the County EOC’s primary responsibility is to provide emergency service coordination and response in suburban portions of the County, as well as to serve a support role to the City of Cleveland’s EOC. Those responsibilities extend beyond a special event like the RNC, and include large scale disasters such as a chemical spill or natural disaster.
County Planning’s role in assisting the EOC was highlighted in a recent press release that profiled its use of GIS technology.