Economic and community growth over the last 15 years has shown the City of Strongsville the importance of having a plan to direct future development. The City engaged County Planning in 2017 create a vision and framework for the next ten years.
The Strongsville 2019 Master Plan is the culmination of a public planning process that engaged the community and City leaders to outline concrete steps the City can take to reach its vision for the future. It was adopted by City Council on June 17, 2019 and is the official policy of the City of Strongsville.
Master Plan Document
- Introduction
- Current Conditions
- Community Vision
- Place-Based Framework
- Place-Based Framework (continued)
- Community-Wide Framework
- Implementation

The City of Strongsville provides both a strong economy and excellent neighborhoods. Having experienced significant growth through the previous two decades, it is now in a position where future growth is becoming restrained by less and less available land. Developments built twenty years ago are now entering a cycle of maintenance and need for redevelopment. The city engaged County Planning to facilitate the development of a Master Plan that balances economic and residential growth and investment to keep the City strong as a place for business and families.
Meeting Materials
Public Meeting #3 (October 23, 2018)
Public Meeting #2 (June 28, 2018)
Public Meeting #1 (February 22, 2018)
The Master Plan focused on several aspects of development:
- Land Use: Determining the best and highest use for that land will guide decision makers during the process of making land-use choices between often varied and competing interests;
- Streetscapes: Design standards that provide direction for future improvements and development, with the goal of strengthening the character of Strongsville and its retail districts;
- Economic Development: Update the strategies to guide Strongsville’s economic base through the challenges of an “ever changing” economy such as on-line shopping, competing markets, and finding an ideal balance of small and large businesses;
- Transportation: Identify potential roadway problems in the City’s transportation corridors and develop strategies for improvement; and
- Connectivity: Explore the health, perceptual, and economic benefits of more walkable and bikeable commercial and residential districts.
County Planning was assisted in the process by a Project Team made of City staff to provide guidance and local expertise. The process also included key stakeholder interviews and several public open houses to seek input and to ensure that the Plan captured the community’s vision for the future.
Contact Us
Please direct any questions or comments to:
Rachel Novak, AICP
Planner, Cuyahoga County Planning Commission
Micah Stryker, AICP
Planner, Cuyahoga County Planning Commission