APRIL 11, 2019
The meeting of the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission (County Planning) was called to order by Vice-Chair Councilperson Sunny Simon. The roll call showed that a quorum not yet present at the start of the meeting.
The Board Vice-Chair, Councilperson Sunny Simon, presided over the meeting in place of Board Chair, Mr. Ken Surratt, who was absent. The meeting proceeded with the non-voting issues, shown on the agenda, until all members could arrive and participate in voting.
Interim Executive Director Susan Infeld updated the Board with recent projects and initiatives of the County Planning staff. Winter semester college interns Nick Provenza and Nicole Rogge, both students at the University of Cincinnati, were introduced.
Ms. Diane Bickett reported on the ratification of the Solid Waste Management Plan with 100% participation and 100% approval by all communities in Cuyahoga County. The next Board meeting will include a Solid Waste Policy Meeting to pass a resolution certifying the results.
Councilperson Brown arrived and the Board reached its quorum.
On a motion by Mayor Bobst, seconded by Mayor Brennan, the minutes of the March 14, 2019 meeting were duly adopted by unanimous vote.
Meghan Chaney, County Planning consultant, spoke about the history of the Gates Village Subdivision, Phase II PRD Subdivision. The application for a final plat was received and County Planning forwarded the plan and all supporting documentation to the reviewing entities. After reviewing the Final Plat for Gates Village Phase II PRD Subdivision and the comments from the reviewing agencies, the County Planning Staff recommends disapproval. At this time the project does not meet the criteria listed in the County Planning subdivision regulations required to approve a final plat. Regulation 107.1 (A) states all improvements shall be constructed prior to the granting of a final plat, though it does allow for deferral of certain improvements that are permissible only if they do not affect the public health, safety and general welfare of the community. It is the opinion of County Planning Staff that several items cannot be deferred without significantly impacting the health, safety and welfare of current and future residents. The repairs needed for a recommendation of approval include repair of damaged storm sewers, filling and sealing of pressure relief joints in pavement, and missing striping and signage on Ethan Drive. The final plat is required to be consistent with the approved Preliminary and Improvement Plans. There has not yet been submitted plans for the pedestrian bridge to be constructed over the westerly ditch to Tuttle Road. The grading between sublots 45 and 54 is not consistent with the approved grading plan. There is a list of seven (7) items that need to be completed, repaired or addressed before the developer seeks approval or a conditional approval for the Final Plat of Gates Village Phase II.
Trustees Jeanene Kress and Lisa Zver from Olmsted Township attended the meeting as did Brian Sowers, Hugh Blocksidge and Chris George from the Cuyahoga County Public Works Department. Ms. Jeanene Kress spoke about the project and said that Olmsted Township is fortunate to have the expert information from County Planning and County Public Works staff to rely on. The township trustees would be hard-pressed to override the advice of the experts without some compelling reason. Ms. Kress mentioned that even the township safety forces have requested the disapproval of the final plat. Mr. Hugh Blocksidge, Chief Section Engineer, County Public Works, Sanitary Engineering Group, spoke on the findings at the building site which include a failed storm sewer under pavement between inlet 54 and catch basin 45 on Ethan Drive being a totally failed joint, cracked pipe showing reinforced steel exposed that is unacceptable, and recommends disapproval until this is repaired or replaced. Meghan Chaney stated that the sewer video was dated March 15 and submitted last week.
After review, the initial report and comments were ready on Friday, April 5, 2019 and were immediately emailed to the developer. Mr. Dave Wager from Palmieri Builders spoke about approving the resolution conditionally because the work is weather related, and the County Planning meeting schedule would hold up work until after the June 13th meeting. Mr. Wager stated that the work on the seven (7) items are minor with two already completed. Councilperson Sunny Simon stated that the Board could meet on May 9th so that Mr. Wager could complete the work on the issues and that the Board needed to exercise due diligence on behalf of Olmsted Township. Mr. Wager took issue with the description of the unfinished items having a safety issue. He said that all of it is a construction issue and noted that the Township Engineer recommended a conditional approval.
On a motion by Mayor Brennan, seconded by Mayor Bobst, Resolution 190411-A, approval of the Final Plat of Phase II of Gates Village PRD Subdivision, a Phase of the Woodgate Farms PRD Subdivision, located in Olmsted Township was tabled until the May 9, 2019 meeting.
Trustee Lisa Zver thanked the Board for tabling the resolution until the building corrections are made and Trustee Jeanene Kress stated that she had been concerned that new construction would have a failure like the pipe seen in the video and felt they owed it to the people of the community and thanked the Board.
Councilperson Sunny Simon announced that there is a job description for the Executive Director of the Planning Commission and the Board will continue to work towards hiring a Director, with the next step being the posting of the position.
No New Business
No Comments from the Public
The meeting was adjourned by the Vice-Chair, County Councilperson Sunny Simon.
The next meeting to be held will be May 9, 2019 location TBA.
Mayor Pamela Bobst | Yes |
Mayor Michael Dylan Brennan | Yes |
Councilperson Shontel Brown | Yes |
Mayor Michael Byrne | Yes |
Mr. Freddie Collier | No |
Mayor Anthony DiCicco | No |
Mayor Michael Procuk | Yes |
Mayor Brad Sellers | No |
Councilperson Sunny Simon | Yes |
Mr. Kenneth Surratt | No |