The District One Public Works Integrating Committee (DOPWIC) and its Small Government Subcommittee met on January 28, 2025. They adopted the project scores for the State Infrastructure Programs with no changes, and scores for the Small Government projects with one change at the recommendation of program staff.
Fiscal Year 2026 Final Ranking and Recommendations
Rank | Applicant | Project Name | Recommended Funding Type | LTIP Grant | SCIP Grant | RLP |
1 | Olmsted Township | Fitch Road Sanitary Extension and Roadway Improvement | SCIP Grant | $0 | $3,745,343 | $0 |
2 | County Department of Public Works | Lee Road Bridge 00.77 Rehabilitation | SCIP Grant | $0 | $383,988 | $0 |
3 | Garfield Heights | E. 126th St. Sewer Separation Extension | SCIP Grant | $0 | $669,058 | $0 |
4 | Garfield Heights | Multi-Street Reconstruction – Phase 9 | SCIP Grant | $0 | $1,544,650 | $0 |
5 | Parma | N. and W. Linden Lane Septic Abatement Project Ph. 1 | SCIP Grant-Loan Combo | $0 | $600,000 | $400,000 |
6 | Newburgh Heights | East 42nd Street and Beta Avenue Reconstruction | SCIP Grant | $0 | $499,999 | $0 |
7 | Cleveland | Carnegie Avenue – Phase 3 | SCIP Grant | $0 | $7,475,020 | $0 |
8 | County Department of Public Works | Warrensville Center Road Improvement | SCIP Grant | $0 | $1,812,147 | $0 |
9 | Lakewood | CUY-Bunts Rd Rehabilitation | LTIP Grant | $2,100,000 | $0 | $0 |
10 | Maple Heights | Southwest Sewer Improvement Phase 3 | SCIP Grant | $0 | $298,290 | $0 |
10 | Pepper Pike | Southwest Quadrant Septic Conversion Project PY29 | RLP Loan | $0 | $0 | $459,795 |
12 | County Department of Public Works | Ridgewood Drive Bridge 03.50 Replacement | SCIP Grant | $0 | $852,746 | $0 |
12 | Rocky River | Beachcliff / Cornwall Improvement Project | RLP Loan | $0 | $0 | $2,223,300 |
14 | Parma | W. 54th Street Sewer Improvement Project Ph. I | SCIP Grant-Loan Combo | $0 | $400,000 | $600,000 |
15 | Shaker Heights | Lee Road Complete Street | LTIP Grant | $4,882,253 | $0 | $0 |
16 | Newburgh Heights | Gamma Avenue Water Main | SCIP Grant | $0 | $147,079 | $0 |
17 | Lakewood | CSO-052 Storage Facility | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
18 | North Olmsted | Lorain Avenue Resurfacing Project | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
19 | Brecksville | Highland Drive and Sentinel Drive Culvert Replacement Project | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
20 | Warrensville Heights | Old Emery Road Culvert | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
21 | Chagrin Falls Village | Maple Street Phase 2 Improvements | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
22 | Glenwillow | Pettibone Road Reconstruction Cochran – Diamond Pkwy | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
23 | Solon | Miles Road Waterline Replacement | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
24 | Strongsville | Albion Road and Prospect Road Intersection Improvement Project | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
25 | Oakwood Village | Tryon Road Phase 2 Resurfacing | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
26 | Bedford | Solon Road Reconstruction | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
27 | Brooklyn Heights | Valley Belt Road Reconstruction Project | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
28 | Olmsted Falls | Columbia Road Reconstruction PY39 | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
29 | Gates Mills | Chagrin Valley Hunt Club Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Conversion | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
30 | Chagrin Falls Village | Chagrin Falls Downtown Resurfacing | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
31 | Richmond Heights | Waterline – Pavement Replacement | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
32 | Walton Hills | Ryan Drive and Ceile Circle Pavement Rehabilitation PY39 | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
33 | Hunting Valley | Fairmount Boulevard Reconstruction | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
34 | Mayfield Village | Beta Drive rehabilitation | Contingency | $0 | $0 | $0 |
- Complete Project Scores (revised February 7, 2025)
There are three types of funds active for the FY 2026 cycle. Local Transportation Improvement Program (LTIP) grant funds can only be assigned to Road/Bridge/Culvert projects. State Capital Improvement Program (SCIP) grant funds can be assigned to all project types. Revolving Loan Program (RLP) funds can be assigned to all project types, as stand-alone funding, or in combination with grant funds.
There is no longer a requirement for SCIP loan funds. The DOPWIC decided to forego SCIP loan funds until a time when the year-over-year loan balance warrants restarting this program. Hence, this column is zeroed out for this cycle.
In order to optimize funds allocated to the highest scoring projects, some fund assignments have been shifted between LTIP and SCIP balances since the preliminary recommendations were posted in December 2024. This ensures that no project, because of project type, is skipped over for lack of assignable funding for that project type. This has resulted in a slight change from the original posting of funds allocated.
Funded projects are those above the red cutoff lines. Because the LTIP and SCIP grant programs have different amounts available, there are two red cutoff lines – one for LTIP funds and a different for SCIP funds. The last projects above the line in each category are currently only partially funded.
The RLP fund has a positive balance. Once OPWC confirms the DOPWIC funding recommendations, OPWC will start offering loans, in rank order, to partially and unfunded projects until the loan fund balance is depleted.
Fiscal Year 2026 Small Government Final Ranking and Recommendations
The DOPWIC can submit only five Small Government projects for OPWC funding. The score for the Ability & Effort criterion cannot be determined in this stage of the process, so OPWC provides a proxy value for the Small Government Committee to use. Adding these proxy scores, as well as the District Priority Ranking scores, are the only changes since the December posting. The projects above the red line will be submitted to OPWC for funding.